This is the fiction flow. a circular roadmap created for FICtion factory. Fiction factory is a company who is specialized in building interiors, stands, and exhibitions. in this roadmap, you can create some solutions for the circular fulfillment of the old materials used in interiors, stands of exhibitions. The roadmap works truth answering simple questions in dutch, truth these questions you will get further in the roadmap. The different solutions are arranged from the highest possible solutions with no waste from material or energy truth the lowest solutions where the product ends up as waste. The roadmap actives companies to think about their material use and all the possibilities with their resources. This project started with the circular mission to create something new from repurposed materials but through the project, I found out that the mission wasn't just a single circular product but a circular method to give a solution to the linear problem of material use and waste management.
Next to the fiction flow, i made a designing tool named the re-action tool, especially focused on designing with repurposing. The designing tool contains 13 steps truth the user gets activated to use his creativity on minimalising waste and repurposing materials. Next to using creativity, the tool gives insight to details of the design you need to consider at the beginning of the designing process.
Circular system design 

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